
BLS Courses online

16th March 2020

Brian Carlin

We have made the decision to postpone the course that was due to take place on 18th March - but the face-to-face course on April 15th is still due to go ahead - but we will monitor the situation  

However, we can support you to sign up and complete the HEARTCODE course which is done completely online. This involves Immediate Care Training purchasing a licence on your behlaf, send you a unique code and this will allow you to complete the ‘knowledge’ aspect of the course in your own time. You will receive an American Heart Association (AHA) certificate at the end of this online component of the full course. You will then be able to complete the skills components with us when the situation improves.

We feel that this is a sensible compromise as it means that at the very least you are up-to-date with new guidelines – and demonstrate proof of this. You will also be able to access the online materials for 12-months.

I have contacted the ICGP & NMBI to get their endorsement, and once I have a response I will update anyone who may be interested in this process

Please contact if you would like to provisionally book April (all 2020 dates on website) and/or if you would prefer at this stage to undertsake the HEARTCODE course in the interim or wait until things return to normal again

Best wishes and stay safe!

Immediate care Training team

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